Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Re: "Ok. I'm going."

Oh A, I don't know what's worse, the fact you're having procrastinating issues, or the fact it makes me feel a better about myself.
I must say, this post is much like the superhero who dashes in at the last second to save the lady from the collapse of a burning building. I've been running around a lot in my head about my life, and its direction. School, in particular. Not going to lie, dropping out has been on my mind for the last few days. It's been on my mind a lot that what I'm putting out is not good enough; in short, I haven't felt committed enough. A quick gander at my grades will reflect this sentiment. When I told you today I wasn't motivated to come to class, I was really trying to say I wasn't motivated to come to school again.
In my days of self loathing, I have found solace in you, in particular this post. I can't imagine you intended it, but realistically, the expression of your thoughts have come at the right time to give me a new perspective on myself. For some strange reason (well maybe not that strange, but still, random) I am quoting in my head, 300 the movie, in that 'even a god-king can bleed.' Because of you, because you struggle in ways I do, I have hope. I can look to you in complete admiration, and know that its not by some divine gift you've received that I feel this way. This type of reflection is exactly what I need to enforce the notion that your status (to me anyways) takes work. Hard, painful work. Thanks to you, I no longer want to give up. I feel elevated again; I feel human.
Once again, thank you.

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