Sunday, November 9, 2008

moving out

So, my girlfriend and friend get possession of their (our) house tomorrow. Call me crazy, but I'm not really affected by this at all quite yet.
Perhaps its the fact that I have never stepped foot into the house as of yet - tomorrow may be a different story. I could be jumping for joy at the possession of a new house. I do have a passion for setting up things. Maybe once I start moving things into the house where I can place them logically my excitement will raise. Until then, the movement phases me not.
One part of the change that has me excited is to justify abusing my staff discount - electronics shall be aplenty if I have it my way. Speakers are the first on the list.
I'll have to show them off as soon as I get them - for now the large t.v. will have to make due with the puny bookshelf speakers I'm running - my receiver yearns to be used to it's intended capacity.
In the meantime, I shall spend some more time packing and organizing, cleaning and dusting, packing and garbaging.
It's been very interesting to sort through the years that I have lugged around - kept my hands on lives long forgotten. Found memories of people I used to confide in and watched as I took my stance on keeping those memories or not years later and an entirely different mind set. It's hard to argue that things are not in flux, and I'm made curious as to what this will look like years down the road. What will be worth keeping in another 5 years? What memories will obtain through the new ones about to be made? Time looks to unveil a number of truths and surprises ahead, and it will always be interesting to see what happens.
Moving out is certainly interesting - I hope what moves-in creates worthwhile memories.
Cheers to those memories past and those not yet realized!

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