Monday, February 9, 2009


Well, as per my last post, I submitted a paper topic for a conference being held at my college - to cut it short, my proposal was accepted and I'm going to be presenting my paper. What have I got myself into? haha
The last time I presented a paper in front of people, it was in front of a class of 9 people. It went horrible. Granted, I hadn't slept that night from writing the paper, but I can't recall wanting to be out of a situation so badly. If there's one thing I don't like in life its to be caught in a situation I don't want to be in. My heart races, my face tingles, I perspire, and I stutter. If I could look at myself during the experience, I would probably be aware that my head could pass as an red alert light. In other words, I think I'm nervous about this situation I've put myself in. We'll see, I'm sometimes the most socially outgoing person, or sometimes taken aback by those situations.
Either way, I'm pretty excited about pursuing something that's as promising as this conference. This is my passion, this is my life - and I've got 20 minutes to explain and defend it.
Many updates to follow on this topic I'm sure. Specially after I've done more research and consultation with my prof.

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